(Published in the South China Morning Post on 20 August 2006)
Most of us know of the proverbial swan, sailing seemingly serenely across the surface of a lake, while obscured by the water its legs paddle like crazy. The performance of certain mutual funds brings to mind an inverted swan: with its big feet flapping in the air, frantic activity is there for all to see, but the poor thing is going nowhere, and probably drowning.
Most of us know of the proverbial swan, sailing seemingly serenely across the surface of a lake, while obscured by the water its legs paddle like crazy. The performance of certain mutual funds brings to mind an inverted swan: with its big feet flapping in the air, frantic activity is there for all to see, but the poor thing is going nowhere, and probably drowning.
Put simply, paddling to and fro is not
in itself a measure of achievement. Indeed, it is often counter productive. A
2003 research report by CSFB of US mutual fund data from Morningstar revealed
that funds with lower turnover performed better over all periods of more than
two years. That is why looking at the "turnover" of a fund's portfolio
is very instructive.
According to the study, funds that
turned over an average of less than 20 per cent of their portfolio annually
returned 179 per cent of value over 10 years. This compared with a 143 per cent
return for funds that turned over an average 20-50 per cent of their portfolio
a year, 130 per cent for those that turned over between 51 and 100 per cent of
their portfolio, and a miserable 112 per cent return for those that turned over
more than 100 per cent.
In other words, funds that did the best
were holding on to their investments for an average of at least five years. This
simple statistic raises two basic questions. Why does taking a longer-term view
yield better results? (The higher transaction costs associated with high
turnover can only explain a smidgen of the divergence.) And why, given the
clear facts, does anyone invest in higher turnover
The explanation for the attraction
to many of the higher-turnover funds is rooted in the often-irrational
characteristics of human behaviour, specifically a phenomenon known as "myopic loss
aversion", a term coined by leading behavioural economists Shlomo Benartzi
and Richard Thaler in 1995.
This phenomenon refers to the fact
that humans are much more sensitive to losses than to gains (loss aversion) and
that we compound the problem by evaluating our portfolios over short timeframes
(myopia). In other words, we tend to look at our portfolios too often, and compounding
the problem, when we see a dip, we overreact.
If we were able to stop ourselves from
looking at short-term price fluctuations, we would be far less likely to be
aware of the dips, and therefore much more comfortable holding onto shares or
funds for the long term, an approach that, as we have seen above, yields the
best results.
Why do they yield best results? Investment
returns reflect one's ability to predict future share price movements. Every
individual share price movement, over any time frame, is a function, in varying
proportions, of the company's profits on the one hand, and market psychology on
the other. Over the short term, market sentiment almost entirely influences
share price movements, but over the longer term profits dominate.
The difference between short-term
investing and long-term investing is the difference between predicting how
investors are going to behave versus how a company's assets are going to
behave. To illustrate why the latter is easier, take the hypothetical example
of a listed property investment company that owns one new office building. Would
you be more confident in predicting the company's share price in six months or
predicting whether the building will still be standing five years from now?
Many fund managers' investment
decisions are the result of herd mentality and panic: buying shares that have
recently performed well or selling shares that have recently fallen, actions
that more often than not tend to backfire. Few stampeding cattle have the objectivity
or distance to really understand why they are running, or to assess whether
they are at the front, back or in the middle of the herd. Nor would one expect
many to have the strength of mind to stop for a little quiet reflection.
In addition, many fund managers often feel compelled to be doing things, to be frequently making decisions, to buy and sell, all the while egged on by brokers. How can you be guaranteed to avoid such managers? By investing in funds with low turnover. As best-selling financial author Roger Lowenstein pointed out about high-turnover funds in his SmartMoney column: "They aren't investing in stocks any more than a cheap date on Saturday night is akin to an engagement."
In addition, many fund managers often feel compelled to be doing things, to be frequently making decisions, to buy and sell, all the while egged on by brokers. How can you be guaranteed to avoid such managers? By investing in funds with low turnover. As best-selling financial author Roger Lowenstein pointed out about high-turnover funds in his SmartMoney column: "They aren't investing in stocks any more than a cheap date on Saturday night is akin to an engagement."
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